

The BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU) is located at BC Children’s Hospital and is a core research program within the Evidence to Innovation theme at the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

With the goal to reduce the social and economic burden of injury in BC, the Unit was established as a strategic entity, supporting the development of policies and programs through research, surveillance, and the translation of evidence and knowledge to researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and the public. BCIRPU leaders are members of the faculty at The University of British Columbia, and train and mentor future health care professionals, researchers, policy makers, and injury prevention practitioners.

The BCIRPU offices are located on the traditional and unceded land of the Coast Salish peoples, including the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations.

Our Vision

To be a leader in the production and transfer of injury prevention knowledge and the integration of evidence-based injury prevention practices in the daily lives of those at risk, those who care for them, and those with a mandate for public health and safety in British Columbia.

Our Mission

To reduce the societal and economic burden of injury across all age groups in British Columbia through research, surveillance, education and knowledge transfer, public information, and the support of evidence-based, effective prevention measures.

Our Role

To serve as a provincial “hub” to provide research-based leadership and coordination to stakeholders in order to reduce the societal and economic burden of injury among all age groups in British Columbia.

Strategic Pillars

BCIRPU’s four strategic focus areas align with and support the injury prevention priorities and objectives of the BC Ministry of Health Service Plan, the PHSA Service Plan specific to Population and Public Health, and, importantly, Goal 5 of BC’s Guiding Framework for Public Health, together with core activities necessary to an applied injury research unit.

1. Surveillance

2. Research

3. Knowledge Synthesis and Translation

4. Public Information


BCIRPU was established in August 1997 as a province-wide partnership to address gaps in injury prevention in BC, such as the need for quality and comprehensive data, the need for quality injury prevention research, and the need to coordinate injury prevention efforts. Blending the need for research and evidence with best practices and the development of policies and programs to reduce injury in BC, BCIRPU advises the Ministry of Health, the Provincial Health Services Authority, and provides leadership and coordination to health authorities and other provincial stakeholders.

BCIRPU celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2018-2019.

Funding and Support

BCIRPU operates as a province-wide partnership between the BC Centre for Disease Control at Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), Evidence to Innovation research theme at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, and the Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia. BCIRPU is supported by core funding from PHSA, and competes for peer-reviewed research grants and contracts.

Committee Work

BCIRPU plays a central role in coordinating communication between injury prevention leads in BC, facilitating opportunities for networking and collaboration.

BC Injury Prevention Committee (BCIPC)

BCIRPU serves as the secretariat to the BCIPC, whose purpose is to provide guidance and recommendations on injury prevention to the Provincial Prevention and Health Promotion Policy Advisory Committee and the Provincial Public Health Executive Committee. Membership includes the First Nations Health Authority, BC regional Health Authorities, Provincial Health Services Authority including BC Centre for Disease Control and Trauma Services BC, the BC Ministry of Health, the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, the BC Falls and Injury Prevention Coalition, and the Regional Trauma Program.

BC Injury Prevention Alliance (BCIPA)

BCIRPU serves as the secretariat for this independent strategic alliance of organizations supporting injury prevention priorities and activities across British Columbia. Members advise and assist one another regarding research, strategies, policies and programs; identify and promote injury prevention priorities; coordinate and collaborate among member organizations on activities addressing significant injury issues; and provide collaborative leadership thinking and action on injury prevention.

BC Concussion Advisory Network (BC CAN)

BCIRPU serves as the chair and secretariat to this network, which was established in 2010 to work together in collaboration with other stakeholders to raise awareness and increase the understanding ofthe invisible epidemic of concussion and traumatic brain injuries. BC CAN increases communication, establishes partnerships and fosters collaboration on concussion prevention, recognition, treatment, and management initiatives.

BC Falls and Injury Prevention Community of Practice (BCFCP)

BCIRPU serves as the chair and secretariat to the BCFCP, which fosters collaboration, reduces the duplication of efforts, and works toward the standardization of provincial fall prevention resources. Membership consists of fall prevention leads from all seven Health Authorities.

BC Road Safety Strategy Committee

The BC Road Safety Strategy Committee is led by RoadSafetyBC, whose commitment is towards road safety principles that lead the province to having the safest roads in North America and to the ultimate goal of zero traffic fatalities and zero serious injuries. The strategy embraces the need to work collaboratively with all stakeholders and road safety partners to address all aspects of road safety, including a focus on safe road users, safe vehicles, safe roadways, and safe speeds, while incorporating evidence-based practices and after thorough study of how road safety is managed across the province. RoadSafetyBC coordinates the activities of five working committees that include government and non-governmental stakeholders. BCIRPU staff serve on the Steering Committee and on sub-committees, such as the Research and Data Committee and Education and Awareness Committee.

Canadian Collaborating Centres on Injury Prevention (CCCIP)

The CCCIP is a community of practice representing all of the provincial injury prevention centres and the leading national injury prevention organizations in Canada. The CCCIP provides a unique opportunity for leading injury prevention professionals to share knowledge and experiences, support individual and collective initiatives, policies, and research, and further the work of injury prevention. BCIRPU is a proud member of the CCCIP community of practice.

Child Death Review Unit (CDRU)

BCIRPU (represented by the Director) is a member of this multidisciplinary group of the BC Coroners Service that reviews the deaths of all children age 18 and under in BC. The CDRU gathers data that show trends in child deaths. Information arising from these various reviews is analyzed and shared with agencies and organizations to influence and develop programs that will help to prevent child deaths.


Parachute, a national NGO founded in 2012, is Canada’s leader in injury prevention focused on three key areas where people are unintentionally injured: in the home, at play, and on the move. BCIRPU is a proud member of the Parachute network, and works collaboratively to provide input, guidance, and support to national initiatives in BC. Members of BCIRPU serve on Parachute project committees, standing committees and the Board of Directors.

viaSport Safe Sport Advisory Group

BCIRPU serves as a member on the viaSport Safe Sport Advisory Group whose purpose is to advise on, influence and develop consistent policies, practices, and guidelines on concussion and injury prevention, through engagement with provincial and community sport organizations and sport and recreation facility owners. The membership also supports initiatives of sport, health, and injury prevention organizations, and public health agencies in Canada and British Columbia to effectively communicate injury prevention and concussion awareness information to community sport leaders, club executives, coaches, parents, and athletes.

Child & Nature Alliance of Canada

Dr. Mariana Brussoni serves on the Board of Directors for the Child & Nature Alliance of Canada (CNAC), a charity which fosters meaningful connections with the outdoors for children and youth through policy, research, and practice. CNAC’s key initiatives include Forest School Canada, which trains educators across the country on forest school practice, and research and policy development.