With expertise in injury epidemiology, health promotion and education, psychology, kinesiology, preventive medicine, biostatistics and public health, BCIRPU provides a breadth of knowledge and applied injury research, development, and leadership to support government, health authorities, and injury prevention stakeholders.
In 2022, five Injury Prevention Leads were introduced to complement and support health authority injury prevention priorities and efforts. These are BC Centre for Disease Control positions and members of the BCIRPU. BCIRPU supports the leads by providing expertise and resources. Meet the Injury Prevention Leads.
Director, Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program, BC Children’s Hospital
Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UBC
Investigator, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Investigator, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, UBC
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UBC
Investigator, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Director, Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome BC
Scientific Director, The Community Against Preventable Injuries (Preventable)
Adjunct Member, Graduate Program in Kinesiology & Health Science, York University
Professor, Department of Pediatrics and School of Population and Public Health, UBC
Director, Human Early Learning Partnership, UBC
Investigator, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Adjunct Professor, School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, UBC
Investigator, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Member, Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA)